Golang reflection反射
example 1:(channel map array)
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect" // use this package
func main() {
type A = [16]int16
var c <-chan map[A][]byte
tc := reflect.TypeOf(c)
fmt.Println(tc.Kind()) // chan
fmt.Println(tc.ChanDir()) // <-chan
tm := tc.Elem()
ta, tb := tm.Key(), tm.Elem()
// The next line prints: map array slice
fmt.Println(tm.Kind(), ta.Kind(), tb.Kind())
tx, ty := ta.Elem(), tb.Elem()
// byte is an alias of uint8
fmt.Println(tx.Kind(), ty.Kind()) // int16 uint8
fmt.Println(tx.Bits(), ty.Bits()) // 16 8
fmt.Println(tx.ConvertibleTo(ty)) // true
fmt.Println(tb.ConvertibleTo(ta)) // false
// Slice and map types are incomparable.
fmt.Println(tb.Comparable()) // false
fmt.Println(tm.Comparable()) // false
fmt.Println(ta.Comparable()) // true
fmt.Println(tc.Comparable()) // true
example 2:(pointer)
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
type T []interface{m()}
func (T) m() {}
func main() {
tp := reflect.TypeOf(new(interface{}))
tt := reflect.TypeOf(T{})
fmt.Println(tp.Kind(), tt.Kind()) // ptr slice
// Get two interface Types indirectly.
ti, tim := tp.Elem(), tt.Elem()
// The next line prints: interface interface
fmt.Println(ti.Kind(), tim.Kind())
fmt.Println(tt.Implements(tim)) // true
fmt.Println(tp.Implements(tim)) // false
fmt.Println(tim.Implements(tim)) // true
// All types implement any blank interface type.
fmt.Println(tp.Implements(ti)) // true
fmt.Println(tt.Implements(ti)) // true
fmt.Println(tim.Implements(ti)) // true
fmt.Println(ti.Implements(ti)) // true
example 3:(struct and fields , function)
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
type F func(string, int) bool //non-interface types
func (f F) m(s string) bool {
return f(s, 32)
func (f F) M() {}
type I interface{m(s string) bool; M()}
func main() {
var x struct {
i I
tx := reflect.TypeOf(x)
fmt.Println(tx.Kind()) // struct
fmt.Println(tx.NumField()) // 2
fmt.Println(tx.Field(1).Name) // i
// Package path is an intrinsic property of
// non-exported selectors (fields or methods).
fmt.Println(tx.Field(0).PkgPath) //
fmt.Println(tx.Field(1).PkgPath) // main
tf, ti := tx.Field(0).Type, tx.Field(1).Type
fmt.Println(tf.Kind()) // func
fmt.Println(tf.IsVariadic()) // false
fmt.Println(tf.NumIn(), tf.NumOut()) // 2 1
t0, t1, t2 := tf.In(0), tf.In(1), tf.Out(0)
// The next line prints: string int bool
fmt.Println(t0.Kind(), t1.Kind(), t2.Kind())
fmt.Println(tf.NumMethod(), ti.NumMethod()) // 1 2
fmt.Println(tf.Method(0).Name) // M
fmt.Println(ti.Method(1).Name) // m
_, ok1 := tf.MethodByName("m")
_, ok2 := ti.MethodByName("m")
fmt.Println(ok1, ok2) // false true
non-interface types: 是除了struct这外的吧,例如func.
- 对于non-interface types,reflect.Type.NumMethod 仅能返回导出的方法的数量。也不能通过reflect.Type.MethodByName 获取非导出的方法。对于接口类型(interface types),则不受导出,非导出限制。这个规则对应下面reflect.Value也是一样。
- 尽管reflect.Type.NumField能返回所有字段的数量(包括非导出部分),但是通过reflect.Type.FieldByName获取非导出字段是不好的。
example 4:(struct tag)
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
type T struct {
X int `max:"99" min:"0"`
Y bool `optional:"yes"`
func main() {
t := reflect.TypeOf(T{})
x, y := t.Field(0).Tag, t.Field(1).Tag
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(x)) // reflect.StructTag
tag, present := y.Lookup("default")
fmt.Println(len(tag), present) // 0 false
fmt.Println(y.Lookup("optional")) // yes true
fmt.Println(x.Get("max"), x.Get("min")) // 99 0
example 5:创建非定义的值(反射类型的值)
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
func main() {
ta := reflect.ArrayOf(5, reflect.TypeOf(123))
fmt.Println(ta) // [5]int
tc := reflect.ChanOf(reflect.SendDir, ta)
fmt.Println(tc) // chan<- [5]int
tp := reflect.PtrTo(ta)
fmt.Println(tp) // *[5]int
ts := reflect.SliceOf(tp)
fmt.Println(ts) // []*[5]int
tm := reflect.MapOf(ta, tc)
fmt.Println(tm) // map[[5]int]chan<- [5]int
tf := reflect.FuncOf([]reflect.Type{ta},
[]reflect.Type{tp, tc}, false)
fmt.Println(tf) // func([5]int) (*[5]int, chan<- [5]int)
tt := reflect.StructOf([]reflect.StructField{
{Name: "Age", Type: reflect.TypeOf("abc")},
fmt.Println(tt) // struct { Age string }
fmt.Println(tt.NumField()) // 1
限制:1、从Go 1.15起,不能通过反射创建interface types.
ValueOf 1:
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
func main() {
n := 123
p := &n
vp := reflect.ValueOf(p)
fmt.Println(vp.CanSet(), vp.CanAddr()) // false false
vn := vp.Elem() // get the value referenced by vp
fmt.Println(vn.CanSet(), vn.CanAddr()) // true true
vn.Set(reflect.ValueOf(789)) // <=> vn.SetInt(789)
fmt.Println(n) // 789
ValueOf 2:
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
func main() {
var s struct {
X interface{} // an exported field
y interface{} // a non-exported field
vp := reflect.ValueOf(&s)
// If vp represents a pointer. the following
// line is equivalent to "vs := vp.Elem()".
vs := reflect.Indirect(vp)
// vx and vy both represent interface values.
vx, vy := vs.Field(0), vs.Field(1)
fmt.Println(vx.CanSet(), vx.CanAddr()) // true true
// vy is addressable but not modifiable.
fmt.Println(vy.CanSet(), vy.CanAddr()) // false true
vb := reflect.ValueOf(123)
vx.Set(vb) // okay, for vx is modifiable
// vy.Set(vb) // will panic, for vy is unmodifiable
fmt.Println(s) // {123 <nil>}
fmt.Println(vx.IsNil(), vy.IsNil()) // false true
- 一种方法是调用代表指针值的reflect.Value值的Elem方法。
- 另一种方法是将reflect.Value值传递给代表reflect.Indirect函数调用的指针值。
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
func main() {
var z = 123
var y = &z
var x interface{} = y
v := reflect.ValueOf(&x)
vx := v.Elem()
vy := vx.Elem()
vz := vy.Elem()
fmt.Println(z) // 789
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
func InvertSlice(args []reflect.Value) (result []reflect.Value) {
inSlice, n := args[0], args[0].Len()
outSlice := reflect.MakeSlice(inSlice.Type(), 0, n)
for i := n-1; i >= 0; i-- {
element := inSlice.Index(i)
outSlice = reflect.Append(outSlice, element)
return []reflect.Value{outSlice}
func Bind(p interface{}, f func ([]reflect.Value) []reflect.Value) {
// invert represents a function value.
invert := reflect.ValueOf(p).Elem()
invert.Set(reflect.MakeFunc(invert.Type(), f))
func main() {
var invertInts func([]int) []int
Bind(&invertInts, InvertSlice)
fmt.Println(invertInts([]int{2, 3, 5})) // [5 3 2]
var invertStrs func([]string) []string
Bind(&invertStrs, InvertSlice)
fmt.Println(invertStrs([]string{"Go", "C"})) // [C Go]